******************** * Nick maintenance * * ============= * ******************** Duuno about you but I find it a pain when you're Ghosted and there's six of you on the channel or whatever, so here is you complete pack to get rid of ghosts and get your original nick back without even trying Things to do beforehand 1) You need to set yourself at a unique userlevel, to do this (for using this script straight from this file) type: /guser 80 3 Details ******* This will set your address ( *!*user@*.domain ) at user level 80, for instance *!*q@*.demon.co.uk 2) You'll need your nick registered, to do to that use this in your Channel popups: Nickserv .Register:/msg nickserv register $?="Registration password" .Ghost:/msg NickServ ghost $$1 $?="Enter Ghost for [ $$1 ] Details ******* Register - get your nick registered by nickserv in the first place - generally a good idea anyway Ghost - That will allow you to ghost-kill you lagged nick by a couple of mouse clicks, and type in you password (this is a chek that you don't message someone else your ghost password! 3) Whack this in your events: +80:on quit:/nick $nick Details ******* Everytime someone with userlevel 80 quits (ie, just yourself) You'll automatically switch to that nick (which should be your original nick) Unless you've got two ghosts, in which case it might get a bit complicated:-s 4) If nickserv for some reason doesn't recognize you, or if you change address, it might ask you for your password to check that you are the rightful owner of that nick, put this in your events and no longer worry about it... 1:on notice:*This nick is owned*:*: { if (($me = ) && ($nick = nickserv)) { /msg nickserv identify | /halt } elseif ($nick = chanserv) /echo 2 Better change nick quick! } Details ******* Everytime nickserv checks who your are, as long as you haven't inadvertantly switched to another nick that someone else might have registered, it'll send nickserv what it wants. So there's you complete nick maintenance pack Hope it saves some typing ;-) Obviously u can do whattevver you want, but if you include this script in a bot, I'd appreciate a mention of my nick, and The <•> Aut0Bot <•>, cheerz. Hi'z to oH_yEaH, Wichita-Guy, ^monty, MEK and sumWOMAN ************************************************ * Nick maintenance, part of the Aut0Bot, ©1996 * * written by Phillip Renfield aka _Qu^rtZ_ * ************************************************